About me

Welcome! I am Dr. Chisom Ezekannagha, a Postdoctoral Researcher and member of the Visualization Group at the Center for Artifical Intelligence in Public Health(ZKI-PH) at Robert Koch Institute, led by Dr. habil. Georges Hattab. I specialize in leveraging the power of advanced visualization and artifical intelligence (AI) to make public health data more accessible and actionable. In my role, I am dedicated to developing interactive tools that simplify complex datasets, enabling health professionals and policymakers to make informed decisions based on clear and actionable insights.

Previous Experiences

My academic journey began at Anambra State University, Uli, where I earned my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. I continued my studies at the University of Ibadan, obtaining a master’s degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Bioinformatics.

I then progressed to Phillipps-Universität Marburg as a Research Associate and PhD student, mentored by Prof. Dominik Heider and Dr. habil. Georges Hattab. My doctoral research explored the realms of Bioinformatics, DNA storage, and Data Visualization. I focused on addressing the challenges of long-term data storage using molecular media like DNA, where I developed frameworks for the automatic analysis and visualization of chemical storage clusters. This period was marked by deep dives into complex data sets, enhancing my expertise in managing and interpreting intricate biological data.

Before my doctoral studies, I served as a Research Fellow and Supervisor at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Ibadan, Nigeria. Under the guidance of Dr. Andreas Gisel, my work centered on molecular biology, specifically whole genome sequencing and annotation. My efforts here contributed significant insights to the field, fostering advancements in genomic research.

My complete CV can be found here.